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THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF ALLIE AND NICK!!! (And everything you shouldn't do when writing a story).
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THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF ALLIE AND NICK!!! (And everything you shouldn't do when writing a story).
I know it's really blocky, but it'll make me really happy if you read it all without skimming. =]
I actually write serious stories that aren't even like that or in that format. xD
It's a good example of what not to do in a serious story. xD
Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there was a cliched story being told inside of a story. The tale was about two families driving on the highway one afternoon in the middle of nowhere located by a Local Resort and a Super Market that sold blue-berry flavored carrots. Anyway, one family was driving to this Super Market to feed this nutritious snack to their pet donkey who especially loved these particular carrots. Yes, it's odd but it is perfectly normal for people to own such animals as pets that ate such a spectacular, rare snack. Ahem! As I was saying, there were two families on the highway going in opposite directions. Sadly, one the drivers was drunk and the other driver had a disability and was blind and had left his glasses at work so unfortunately the cars had crashed right in front of the Resort. A boy who lacked a seat belt didn't survive the crash and in the other car, another girl also died because she stuck her head outside the window. It was a tragic accident. The accident was first witnessed by a pizza guy who just happened to be passing by. The two young ones aren't dead as in like removed because they're the stars of this story. So they are now in a limbo between life and death, yes like ghosts. The two kids, they're teenaged by the way, woke up nine months later after the tragic accident. The girl suffered memory lost and forgot what had happened. The boy was panicking. Their names were Allie and Nick by the way. (The girl is Allie and the boy is Nick). Nick told Allie what had happened and she cried and refused to believe this was their fate. "NO!" she cried. "THIS IS NOT MY FATE!". Yes, she said something like that. Maybe a little less dramatic but this is supposed to be a sad story. So anyway, "NO!" she cried. "THIS IS NOT MY FATE!". A boy who also died there came out of a bush randomly and told them they were dead. The two cried, and cried, as the boy comforted them with steak. Oh, by the way, they're in a forest that was on the side of the road that is dead because of a fire. The bush boy told them they should stay with him because he was bored and needed a playmate. The boy was only nine years old and had forgotten his name so Nick and Allie decided to name him Steak. The three of them eat steak and caviar on a luxurious tree house that the boy built by himself because he wanted a home. Nick and Allie leave shortly after and Steak decides to follow him. Steak is the other boy's name. Steak shouts, "NO! YOU CANNOT LEAVE FOR THY MONSTER OF LIMBO SHALL KIDNAP YOU!" Allie and Nick laugh as they get captured along with Steak in a gigantic butterfly net and are sent to Nebraska in the clouds somewhere. The Limbo monster was really an ant who says, "YOU MUST WIN MY MATCH OF LIMBO OR YOU'LL DIEE!" So Allie and Nick agree. The ant won because, it was an ant so the ant sends them to a prison room in the clouds. The three of them are scared and they are unsure what to do. Suddenly, the pizza guy jumps from the ceiling and sets them free. The pizza guy explains he committed suicide after witnessing such a terrible accident and knows it was his destiny to set the three of them free. So he did. The ant notices they are free and tries to stop them but Allie squishes him so the three and the pizza man are free. Pizza man says he has to deliver pizza to dead people now so he leaves. A bear suddenly kidnaps Steak and takes him to his house. Nick tries to go after him but Allie stops him telling him they aren't strong enough and need to find the seven Star Crystals which will grant them infinite power. Allie and Nick search around the world for the crystals. They eventually meet a boy named "Snowy" who lived in the desert and died from a snowstorm and a girl named, "Sunshine" who likes the dark and is obsessed with black magic. Snowy and Sunshine are looking for their parents and force Allie and Nick to help them search for there parents. Oh, also, the two are not related and are looking for two different parents. They are not related. Allie and Nick and etc. come across a strange town inhabited by terrorists and mass murderers who have vanished over time after killing each other. Oh by the way, if you die twice in Limbo (The purgatory they're in), you vanish forever. The four meet a brigade of five people who greet them. They introduce themselves as Rhianna, Mina, Sheena, Ketchup, and Suhtacy, they are known as the WTF Brigade who try to help people. The five invite them to their guild and become international rock stars. Their band performed in town with their latest hit, "Lost my Body". Oh, Mina is the leader of this brigade and the four just happened to know how to play instruments because they studied it in high school. One day when Allie was stalking Rihanna and Mina, they learn about a boy named Satoki who they killed with a baseball bat. Allie, Nick, Snowy, and Sunshine get paranoid and ask Rihanna, Mina, Sheena, Ketchup, and Suhtacy what happened. The five suddenly morph into a dragon and attacked them. However, Sunshine used black magic to turn Nick's arm into a sword so Nick slayed the dragon, head down using Sword Rain. Allie, Nick, Snowy, and Sunshine mourn over the brigade's death and decide to take over for them. The brigade find one of the Star Crystals in Rihanna's desk and decide take it with them. Snowy suddenly saw the light and saw his parents there so he vanished. Allie, Nick, and Sunshine forget who Snowy is. Sunshine insists they go look for her parents now like Allie and Nick promised. The three find a dark city located inside a cave where Allie's parents are found. They find out Sunshine's mom is a circus clown and that the father is a horse. Sunshine accepts her parents and hugs them and changes her name to, "Butterfly". Allie cries at the beautiful event and misses her own pet donkey. Suddenly, Nick proposes to Allie with a wedding ring he picked up from the ground and Allie breaks into tears and says, "I do! I've been waiting for this my entire life!". They stay in town and discuss the future and they decide to have seven kids. Butterfly gives them a box which contained the other six Star Crystals and Allie and Nick becomes gods and save Steak and the planet and get their bodies back and tell their parents they are back from the dead. Allie hugs her pet Donkey and the two become super stars and make millions of dollars with their hit song, "Heck Yeah God Knows...". The two get married and have seven kids. They name them Annie, Anick, Nallie, Nall, Nae, Child Six, and Nickieallie Jr.. I ran out of names. The End.
I actually write serious stories that aren't even like that or in that format. xD
It's a good example of what not to do in a serious story. xD
Last edited by Takumi on Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Re: THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF ALLIE AND NICK!!! (And everything you shouldn't do when writing a story).
I read all of it without skimming! It was like everything and nothing at the same time.
Re: THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF ALLIE AND NICK!!! (And everything you shouldn't do when writing a story).
My eyes hurt Taku-chi. But Er...Too much Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? =P
Re: THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF ALLIE AND NICK!!! (And everything you shouldn't do when writing a story).
TakuPuppy, best story ever.
Re: THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF ALLIE AND NICK!!! (And everything you shouldn't do when writing a story).
Fffff thank yooooou!
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