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Shoyru's art stuffs

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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:40 pm

Hmms, yeah here is my only somewhat finished successful photoshop project. Im not really good at drawing or using photoshop >.> tell me what you think Razz Well I drew my avatar picture thingy too or whatever you call it..Maybe I'll have more drawings for you later, depending how they turn out.

Last edited by shoyru166166 on Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:27 pm; edited 5 times in total


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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Re: Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Guest Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:15 pm

More junk I drew.. I'll put them in the order i drew them in starting with some stuff from like over the summer and months ago..I didnt realize how much i was improving until i looked back on my slightly older drawings.

~First time drawing any of the Kagamines, and it was Len!

~First time drawing Rin!

~First chibis and first and only two person picture!

~First and only profile picture o:

~Second chibi ever-it was Rin *failed*

~One of my favorite Rin drawings.

~One of my first few Rin drawings..did this around october maybe

~Random Teto drawing, in my made up cendrillon outfit

~The original drawing of my fail chibi-ish Len avatar

~Random Rin drawing..I draw her alot because she and Len are my favorites..And I fail at drawing boys OTL so, well I draw Rin all alone with no playmate D: Oh my god I even wrote kawaii on the top of the page..*shot* Oh how embarassing, you can see my chemistry notes through the page!..I drew on the back of my page of notes during class >.<

~Another Rin drawing. Isnt she just cute?

~Was at first trying to draw Kaito..But it didnt look like him at all so midway through the drawing i changed him to "random guy". I fail at drawing guys...I had and still have no idea how to draw his body

Colored my first Rin drawing!


Well thats it! ^^ For now~ Hope it didnt make your eyes bleed! If it did, i'm so sorry! >.>

Last edited by shoyru166166 on Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:45 am; edited 1 time in total


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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Re: Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Mr0ctober Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:38 pm

Quite the drawer you are, these pics are pretty nice. Can tell since my eyes didn't bleed to block my vision.

Better than me, I'm just awful at anatomy and proportions. Especially the face, reason why my guy I drew has no face.
Talking Fruit/Vegetable

Posts : 102
Join date : 2009-11-30
Age : 35
Location : Under the sky

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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Re: Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Guest Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:44 pm

Aw im not that good! I am seriously bad at anatomy and proportions too..

You have no idea how many fail drawings i have where i start, and then i cant even draw the shape of the face right, so i crumple it up and rip it into tiny pieces then put it through my paper shredder...>.> Failed drawings must not be seen by anyone.

But you can draw that kind of comic/manga style! I could never do such a thing..

I cant draw poses or have the picture/character on any sort of angle because then i just confuse myself..everything seems so simple, but when i try to draw its like i dont know what anythings supposed to look like anymore..cant draw hands or folds in clothes(clueless) and i still fail at hair, thats another reason why i dont draw Len >.>


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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Re: Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Mr0ctober Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:54 pm

Hahaha, was thinking the exact idea about the comic when I first drew them. So simple but much harder to do. Reason why it's anywhere as good as it is now is because my friend critiques them (extremely). No sugar-coated advices either even when that was my first. I put up the revised ones recently, old ones made no sense.

Though hopefully this won't dissuade you from drawing your own strips. Looking forward to what you'll make. Cool
Talking Fruit/Vegetable

Posts : 102
Join date : 2009-11-30
Age : 35
Location : Under the sky

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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Re: Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Guest Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:01 pm

I'm completely afraid to draw my own comic strips, because I dont think i'll be able to redraw the characters in the same style or look as in the previous panels, if that makes sense..

Im not good enough yet to be able to draw the same character over and over without there being dramatic changes in their looks throughout the comic strip >.>

I think ill stick with general drawings for now, until i learn more and get better, then maybe way in the future i'll try comics. Maybe later like when im your age (if thats your actual age) ill be much better at drawing and comics would be hopefully easy peasy for me o:

I get discouraged alot when drawing..Sometimes i start a drawing and everything turns out completely wrong and i dont know what to do because like i said before, everything seems so simple until you try to draw it..

Like i'd be thinking "Yeah i can draw that pose or angle its common sense" but when it comes to drawing it im like "UHHHMM...Errr..."

Sometimes I get so dicouraged i just burst into tears, because i feel that at the rate i'm going, ill never be as good as these artists i see all over the internet. And then theres those times when i see really good drawings or pictures and it inspires me to draw.

When I see a really good drawing I can go two ways, Either have a breakdown and start crying, or be inspired to draw..Yeah i'm weird >.>


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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Re: Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Guest Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:30 pm

Hey! * U * your drawings are a good! It's hard to believe you're as old as you are! ww If you're really serious, I recommend nothing but good ol' practice (every day no matter what!!)

Your vocacom picture is a really cool theme. * O * I love it.


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Shoyru's art stuffs Empty Re: Shoyru's art stuffs

Post by Guest Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:36 pm

Thankies! Ever since I found out about vocaloids, i always imagined them as androids, and that mixes in so well with persacoms, so i thought why not?

I dont draw exactly every day, but I do draw often usually during spanish and chemistry class Working on a Rin and Len drawing right now, (well theyre seperate , but i'm working on them both) Its going slow, because for some reason im only working on these particular ones during spanish class O:

And I always take forever to draw something, i'm not like those people who can just sketch something..I dont understand how they do that. On my drawings I always use dark lines, and take a really long time, not that quick sketchy stuff, although i wish i knew how to do that >_>

I just noticed that in my vocacom picture, Rin's waist/hips are crooked..fudge D:


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