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A small little issue i'd like to bring up

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:17 am

Hello guys I've a small issue that's been dogging at me since I've joined this community. I may not be the most active user on YTC but i have noticed something that never ceases to annoy and bother me. It's nothing big but in absolutely every chorus I've been to and also the auditions for official YTC chorus many entries more often than not will have comments along these lines:
"Here's my fail dub"
"I'm not very good at this or that"
"your ears will burn"

I find these sorts of comments to be frankly depreciating. Firstly, for the person commenting and secondly for the person reading that comment. For a competition you're supposed to do the best you can, but if you're already pointing out your flaws, that, by default removes your credibility as a contestant. For example during a test, a normal person wouldn't go up to their teacher and say "look i messed up here here and here" because that very same teacher will have a bad impression of what you've done. First impressions are everything and believe me I'm not saying you have to praise your entry either just submit point blank don't emphasize any flaws or any good points. In a swimming competition you wont go and brag about how well or how poorly you swam to the judge, right ?
Another explanation to why certain users do this is, pardon my frankness, for pity. Now while some people are trying to be modest, some people say "I failed" so they can have people reply to them "NOOOO YOU SING SO WEELLL!" or have some sense of comforting.

Now there are exceptions if , this is mostly YTC exclusive, the chorus is called "Faildub" or something along those lines. *winktothekumikyokufaildubchorusiluguys*

Well that's all i wanted to say concerning my small issue with entry posting etiquette on ytc, you're free to argue/comment/agree with anything i said.



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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by mong Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:49 am

I agree with this to an extent. :O I mean, personally, when I upload things to YT, while I'd agree that my stuff isn't perfect (far from it, but that's what criticism is for~), I do believe it is good to a degree. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother with sticking it online where the world can see it. XD

When you do the 'I failed this, sorry' thing, it also kind of mentally blocks you. If you say 'I fail' all the time, then after a while you'll feel like you did even though you probably sound fine. It should be okay if you've tried your best on it, right? 8D And there'll always be chances to improve, so 8DD It's best to say a 'I hope it's okay!' or something along those lines when you enter stuff in. XD

...this is all the the pot calling the kettle black though, I tend to do this a bit myself but I'm trying to stop myself from doing it. ><

*runs away form pitchforks and fire*
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Cherysh Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:37 am

You have a very valid point.

Though I'll admit, I'm guilty of doing that. I'll try to avoid usually the term 'fail' explicitly now, but I do point out the fact that there are lots of mistakes when I post auditions/covers because I frankly know there is (these covers are listenable, per se, but I know that it could tremendously be improved, but my lack of skill and time prevents that).

(I think a lot of people label their own dubs negatively is truly out of modesty or the fact that they don't want to say anything positive, because they themselves pay too much attention to the (minor) flaws rather than the good things about it)

I agree w/ mong~ I think a good alternative would be to say that you hope it's okay, so one can avoid being entirely negative, and like the OP mentioned, point out the flaws to the audition holder.

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by tisDANNY Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:46 am

.___." [mumbles...].. that sounds like very me.. but i dont say it because i want people to reply 'this IS good'.. i just personally think its fail COMPARED to others =).. but to an extent to myself.. its alright..
but yeah.. i wouldnt want to mention that its good .. since i get alot of people flaming me and all which most of it i ignore or just go with what they say.. but sometimes it really gets to me .. so yeah..
but yes i do apologise for certain things to point out such as pronounciation or a segment thats too loud or something so the flamings aren't mentioned as much..
anyhow~.. after reading this.. i shall minimise saying 'epic failism and stuff' ._."..
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by braveheart Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:24 pm

I'd post an agreement or something of some sort but I think I'd really fail at that. I'm just no good with this sort of th- *shot down*

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Nezaibaka Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:41 pm

I'm found guilty of saying things like that however, there is reasoning behind it. It's not to try to grab praise from people. I'm sort of a perfectionist and sometimes when I see flaws in my fandubs, I will say in the description "It was sort of a fail". I think we all try our hardest but as tisDANNY said, we do tend to compare ourselves to others so our self-esteem is a little lowered. Heck, sometimes you compare your own dubs with your new ones. Sometimes you think you got worst because you found a few more flaws in the last one. I think some of us might be scared of a user commenting "You Suck". Everyone here is here for a reason, and that reason is their passion for singing. No one wants to be shot down for doing the thing you love
I do agree with mong though. We should try to have a modest alternative.
I guess the "Fail" thing doesn't bother me as much because most of us are young teenagers prancing around Youtube and "Fail" is like slang to us. ^_^

Last edited by Nezaibaka on Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Trinity Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:10 pm

I'm about ready to stick my two sense in here so yeah, you can kinda skip this post.

I realize that people say that they fail on here a LOT to be modest. Actually, I think some of it is because they're afraid that their head will get big if they hear good comments too often from themselves or anyone, for that matter. Still, no matter what people say, we ARE good.
Not fantastic or amazing.
But good.
We ALL have a long way to go. Heck, even the Nico singers we all fangasm over have a bit to go.
But we're still GOOD.
Whether we want to admit it or not.

I already shared this with one person, figured I'd post it here because I'm glad there's a topic telling you people this. Happy
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Moonlight-KurochiMisa Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:39 pm

Yes yes yes.
I completely agree.

I wanted to say something about this before, but I wasn't brave enough. XD
But I completely agree with you Kaya.

People need to stop degrading themselves like that. It looks pathetic and sad. (I did it couple times too a long time ago, I'll be honest) But I realized that this is not only degrading to yourself, but the people listening to it.

Nuff said.
Motor Mouth

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by akuawind Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:33 am

Thanks for raising the issue...
I can't help agreeing with all of what have been said here, that word became somewhat common here. A lot of beginners really lack self-confidence/esteem, and I guess "fail" come naturally as a way to express -or escape- the "handicap" of experience they feel to have compared to more confident singers.

As I'm still (sort of?) part of the beginners, and as I'm also guilty of what is presented here, the following statement may looks arrogant... but: I've been quite depressed about my own situation lately (I'm sort of a perfectionist too), and I can't deny that seeing a few talented/good people using that word on (MAYBE not-so-)good covers just have... worsened my thoughts. If those guys are failing, what about all of the beginners here, and what they will feel? That's just insulting toward them.

The point is of course not to give any name, but just act as a reminder: more than being a self-trap for some, that word can be a punch to those same people, when used by the others.

(sorry for the dense text >.>)

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Guest Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:33 am

I say it because I lower what I expect so if it really does turn out bad, I won't be so affected by it, and if it turns out well, then I'll be on top of the world. I for one, do not look for comfort when I say I'm bad at something, because if someone else were to do the same, and they really are bad, then I would straight up tell them that they're bad. I would hope that because I said a certain audition of mine sucks, then it would be easier for them to simply agree, than it is for them to tell me that it was horrible when I was so proud of it. When I say a certain audition sucks, I am not discouraging myself in anyway. You would think that once you hear something or say something enough, you would start believing it, but I find that wrong. That sort of thing depends on the person, and how well they know themselves. I can say everything I do sucks, and in the end, it wouldn't matter. I know what I am and am not good at, obviously, which is why there is a thing called practice. I'm not exactly the nicest person in the world, I would not purposely tell someone that they are good, just because they've been demoralized beyond rock bottom. If they're bad at it, then tough. Either they just quit, stay at this "bad" level, or get better.
For my closing statement... lol
As I have mentioned before, I am not the nicest person in the world. I am also not the most average person in the world. Things such as "If you keep telling yourself you're no good, then you'll really become no good" don't matter to a person like me. For everyone else, sure, if you actually demoralize yourself in anyway, or inhibit any kind of performance you can do, then just stop demoralizing yourself by saying such things as "Oh, this audition is fail". I'll stick to my method that doesn't affect me negatively in any way, and you can stick to whatever keeps your boat afloat.


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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Suntamukun Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:21 am

For my part, I often use this word unwillingly. It's because I lack self-confidence, and when I compare to other's covers I feel bad...And, I really want to make the covers perfect so...when there is a minor error, I can't control myself xD
But there are some people who say they fail because they are modest too.
There are a lot of reasons ;p
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Aelve Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:49 am

Mmm I use that word when I think I tried my best and gave it my all, but in the end I don't like it or find it bad. To me that's sorta fail... because I'm disappointed by what I expected to be better.

I'm training to get better though~. I really hope to improve!

I think everybody should be more positive about their singing. I often see good covers with "I failed this" in the description.... While it's actually not. But maybe it's fail to those people because they know they can do better.

I kinda agree with akua ._. It's a bit lowering for beginners to read "Aaaa I failed so hard" in covers descriptions.

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Guest Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:09 pm

I...I do this a lot
because I don't want people to listen to it who it's not meant for (lolwhut) and because I'm tonedeaf...but I never thought about how it might make others feel until Pchan was trying to cheer me up after giving a vocaloid presentation.
See, we here are blessed that we can sing at all, and I never thought of it that way, but think about the people who use some kind of synthesizer or something to sing for them? The people who can play piano beautifully but are more tonedeaf than most or people who've lost their voices...I think if we think about makes you not want to hate your voice so much
So what I've been doing recently is a lot of dedicated to [person] songs, because if I have someone I want to hear it, that I want it to be to, it sounds nicer to me
I think the hard part is finding that ground between "I'lll buy you all new ears now" and "OMG I SO SEXAY"


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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by FSH Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:18 pm

I call mine fail because I honestly think they aren't good. >=(
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Nezaibaka Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:26 pm

Have faith in yourself!
We can still improve anyway ^_^

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Re-Live Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:35 pm

Nezaibaka wrote:Have faith in yourself!
We can still improve anyway ^_^
true!... there is no end in this way... we can always improve!
i dont say that often... but like some of you says, i sometimes feel that others dub are a lot better... so i think i fail xD
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Kumbancha Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:00 pm

What an excellent thread Ka-Ya, someone needed to address this issue and you did it wonderfully! and I wholeheartedly agree with everyhting you said, while I admit that I'm guilty of that crime, I usually say that for different reasons than others might, like for example, I know I don't fail at singing, I know I'm prety good at it which is why I have the courage to upload them to youtube, but there's just something about the distinct sound of my voice that I deeply dislike, I can't help but feel that I'm good at hitting notes but the sound of my voice is just not pleasant, I hate it cuz my voice is very different from the rest, Is shrill, husky, hoarse and unpretty, (I've been told that my voice is pretty a few times but I just can't think pretty when I hear it) so yeah, my issue is more with the sound of my voice than me actually sucking at singing, so yeah, i hope that made sense

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Kemi Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:05 pm

Haha, I'm so guilty of this. It's true that not everyone is uber fail, but it's also true that we aren't super great either.

Propz to you ka-ya~ *clap clap*
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Summer Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:16 pm

I've seen peopele say things like that alot, and it does annoy me also. But I admit that I say things like this. sometimes, like I'll say that I just did decent, or I could have done better if I put more work into it.
I do feel like I sing good sometimes, and everyone listens to their voice the most close than anyone elses and hear a lot of parts they believe are way off or something, while others don't because they enjoy the voice itself.
And some people just want to hear someone say that they sang great because it makes them feel more confident knowing that people are satisfied with hearing their dubs, which might make them sing more.
Hey, we are all here to sing, and along the way we'll learn more about our voices and how to improve also. So let's just sing the best that we can at the moment, because at least one person will like our voices, and we should be glad that someone enjoys our supposibly horrible-earbleeding-faildubs.
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Kemi Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:19 pm

Heheh. Some people enjoy my terrible ear bleeding singing. TEHE

But now that I look back at it, I've said this about all of my dubs. orz
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Post by Kicchan Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:18 am

kemi-tama wrote:But now that I look back at it, I've said this about all of my dubs. orz

AAAAALL ?? It's a lot... Shocked
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by FSH Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:11 am

People seem to like me to sing out of tune. =)

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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Kemi Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:22 pm

I'd totally love to hear you sing in tune FSH. -________-
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A small little issue i'd like to bring up Empty Re: A small little issue i'd like to bring up

Post by Re-Live Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:36 pm

kemi-tama wrote:I'd totally love to hear you sing in tune FSH. -________-
i´d totally love to know his youtube page... i dont know how he sings xD
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Post by Tsukiyo Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:08 pm

@kemi-tama & Re-Live: And I deliver. Think Yoppei. :D
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