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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Eclipse 食
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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:10 pm

God bless it's all done! T^T
Thank you again for all your help! For those who still haven't claimed your IOUs yet don't forget to poke me! =)

P.S. I'll do another song in this series, so I'll probably appear again to snatch voice actors =u=


Hey! It's Catalyst here!
I'm currently doing a cover of Sound Horizon's "Fairytale of Light and Darkness", for those who're not familiar with it, this is the opening song for their story album "Marchen", which sets the story for a 12-song musical.
Anyhow, this song features a TONS of VA (total of 10 characters plus a German narrator), but because I suck at VA so much, I'm really hoping that someone will be able to lend me a hand!
Now that I realize it's a little unfair to ask for people to VA for my own cover, that's why I'm willing to offer something else in return for your time (Refer below)! But first, here's a little more info for you to decide if you'd like to lend little ol'me some help ;u;

Click here for song:
This is the only original version available on YT (and yes, it's live), though, you can click here for CD version. And I am going to use a fanmade instrumental for this cover, so no copyright shall be worried.

Click for instrumental:

For the VA roles, as mentioned above there will be 10 characters in total, plus a Germany narrator. In the original there are 7 males and 4 females, but honestly I don't really care about gender, so as long as you could do a suitable voice, you can choose any characters you wish.
The role list is as below:

Narrator (need to speak in German) [Any voice type]
Little sister - A random young girl (Minor role) [Cute girl voice]
Little brother - A random young boy (Minor role) [Shota-ish voice]
Big brother - Yet another random young boy (Minor role) [Shota-ish voice]
Young Mer - Child version of the main guy [Shota voice]
Young Elizabeth - Child version of the main guy's childhood friend [Cute girl voice]
Mer - Main guy. Reincarnation version of Young Mer [Mid-low male voice]
Elise - Reincarnation version of Elizabeth's doll [High pitched cute voice]
Witch hunter1 - Guy who killed Mer [Any voice type]
Witch hunter2 - Guy who killed Mer [Any voice type]
Therese - Mer's mother [Mature female voice]

For the script, please poke this link.

【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Untitled_by_catalystaristarkh-d7ug7ht

Recruitment and Compensation

1. You can choose any role regardless of gender as long as you can do a suitable voice for them

2. You can choose more than 1 role, cuz I doubt I could find all 11 ppl anyways ;u;

3. Only requirement is to have a clear mic, and can hand in lines on time (However please do look at the script and listen to the original before choosing a role, as some of them do scream lol)

4. I will offer one of the followings in return for your help! (Sorry it's not much!):

1. Mixing - 1~4 singers (example1 | example2)
2. One chibi art (example1 | example2)
3. I dunno if anyone will choose this but if you'd like I could do a duet/collab/ or even fill in for chorus lines that needed a singer!

Lastly, I have a sample snippet of my cover to show you what I've got atm; obviously I'm no expert but I'll tried my best to make this as close to the original as possible!

Anyhow, I'd really really appreciate any help, and thank you for reading this long post!

Role(s) wanted:
Example of your voice: (either VA or cover, I just wanted an idea how you sound! ^ ^)
What would you like me to do for you in return? (See #4 above)
Best way(s) to reach you:

✦Lines Received  | ✦Exchanged Service done

Big brother - NOKiE (Mix)
Young Mer - Shinra (Mix/Animation)
Mer - Eclipse (Chibi art)  
Witch hunter2 - reizu (Mix/Animation)  
Witch hunter1 - reizu (Mix/Animation)  
Little sister - Rare (Chibi art)
Young Elizabeth - シャナ (Mix)
Elise - Riyumi (Mix)
Therese - Riyumi (Duet)  
Narrator - niwa (Mix)
Little brother - masshi (Chibi art)

Poke me on skype (Tentaikansokup) or YTC for all IOUs!

Last edited by Catalyst on Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:55 pm; edited 33 times in total

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by NOKiE Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:24 pm

Dude, I am so lucky to find this after briefly coming back here. LOL.

Name: NOKiE
Role(s) wanted: Big Brother
Would you prefer to do it in Japanese or English, or don't care? I prefer japanese cause I sound less convincing in english for some reason. LOL.
Example of your voice: Since big brother only has two lines, I recorded it anyways 8')
What would you like me to do for you in return? C-Could you mix a duet (in progress) for me? ;;; u ;;;
Best way(s) to reach you: Skype @TBNOKiE

Singing Alias : NOKiE Posts : 338
Join date : 2011-05-28
Age : 133
Ai Kotoba II Chorus Blind Duets Participant SMILING Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Riyumi Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:23 pm

*has no idea where my voice fits; some tell me my talking voice is mature/deep--at times it's really high pitched .__. but will try for this sometime this week because VA practice is golden >v< and your services are wonderful *
Motor Mouth

Singing Alias : Riyumi Posts : 680
Join date : 2013-06-06
Age : 28
Location : Destination ahead to your right

I'm on the spice rack! Ai Kotoba II Chorus Blind Duets Judge Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Megurine Luka 10-Year Celebration Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:36 pm

NOKiE wrote:I'm Dude, I am so lucky to find this after briefly coming back here. LOL.

Name: NOKiE
Role(s) wanted: Big Brother
Would you prefer to do it in Japanese or English, or don't care? I prefer japanese cause I sound less convincing in english for some reason. LOL.
Example of your voice: Since big brother only has two lines, I recorded it anyways 8')
What would you like me to do for you in return? C-Could you mix a duet (in progress) for me? ;;; u ;;;
Best way(s) to reach you: Skype @TBNOKiE

Omg thank you so much I can't even express how thankful I am T^T
Yes I will be more than happy to mix a duet for you! Just PM or skype me all the details!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:49 pm

Riyumi wrote:u*has no idea where my voice fits; some tell me my talking voice is mature/deep--at times it's really high pitched .__. but will try for this sometime this week because VA practice is golden >v< and your services are wonderful *

Uwahh Riyumi you're the best!! *throws tears everywhere*
 Please take your time to try out! <3

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Eclipse 食 Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:59 pm

Name: Eclipse
Role(s) wanted: Mer
Japanese/English: Doesn't matter
Example of your voice: 
What would you like me to do for you in return? Chibi art
Best way(s) to reach you: Skype (legulus390r)
Eclipse 食
Eclipse 食

Singing Alias : Eclipse Posts : 14
Join date : 2015-06-03
Age : 28
Location : Canada

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Riyumi Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:18 am

@Catalyst ahaha you don't need to throw your tears xD I'm not much of a voice actor in the first place (English could use some variation and the Japanese enunciation gets screwed up sometimes...) so...yeah!

I will definitely practice Eliz, Elise, and Therese (you decide which suits my voice better xD) BUT YOU SOUND SO WONDERFUL THAT IT'D BE AN HONOR TO TAKE PARRRRT. I have sold my soul LOL. and I really want to work on another project with you---and since you also really like HitoshizukuxYamaP I want another song by them hehe. I'm also torn with your other services because you're so great at those too...

**btw...Nokie, Eclipse---your voices are amazing *^*
Motor Mouth

Singing Alias : Riyumi Posts : 680
Join date : 2013-06-06
Age : 28
Location : Destination ahead to your right

I'm on the spice rack! Ai Kotoba II Chorus Blind Duets Judge Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Megurine Luka 10-Year Celebration Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:14 pm

Eclipse 食 wrote:Name: Eclipse
Role(s) wanted: Mer
Japanese/English: Doesn't matter
Example of your voice: 
What would you like me to do for you in return? Chibi art
Best way(s) to reach you: Skype (legulus390r)

OMG Your voice is perfect for Mer!
And speaking of which ,I think I'll stick with Japanese script. That seems to work for most ppl~
When you're ready with your recordings, also link me the chibi reference (and pose if any) you'd like me to draw!
Thank you so much! ^ ^

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:17 pm

Riyumi wrote:@Catalyst ahaha you don't need to throw your tears xD I'm not much of a voice actor in the first place (English could use some variation and the Japanese enunciation gets screwed up sometimes...) so...yeah!

I will definitely practice Eliz, Elise, and Therese (you decide which suits my voice better xD) BUT YOU SOUND SO WONDERFUL THAT IT'D BE AN HONOR TO TAKE PARRRRT. I have sold my soul LOL. and I really want to work on another project with you---and since you also really like HitoshizukuxYamaP I want another song by them hehe. I'm also torn with your other services because you're so great at those too...

**btw...Nokie, Eclipse---your voices are amazing *^*

Awww~ you always help me when I'm desperate of voice actors <333
And thank you so much! I'll gladly take your beautiful soul hehehe >U< I'm so happy to work in the same project with you too!

Ohhhh yessss let's do another Hitoshizuku/Yama song!! You can always poke me for duets/collabs anytime cuz I love them so much!! <3

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Shinra Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:09 pm

Your cover is sound great so far! GANBARE~

Name: Shinra
Role(s) wanted: Young Mer? probably something shota lol. you can judge and decide.
Example of your voice: VA YT - for your convenience cause vocal inconsistencies 
What would you like me to do for you in return? Mixing or animation~ for some time in the future. I'll take an IOU
Best way(s) to reach you: skype - tokalaangel
The Elusive Fox
The Elusive Fox

Singing Alias : Shinra Posts : 134
Join date : 2013-04-30
Location : Under your bed :o

I'm on the spice rack! Ai Kotoba II Chorus Ai Kotoba II Words Blind Duets Judge Tako Luka Maguro Fever Event Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:43 pm

Shinra wrote:Your cover is sound great so far! GANBARE~

Name: Shinra
Role(s) wanted: Young Mer? probably something shota lol. you can judge and decide.
Example of your voice: VA YT - for your convenience cause vocal inconsistencies 
What would you like me to do for you in return? Mixing or animation~ for some time in the future. I'll take an IOU
Best way(s) to reach you: skype - tokalaangel

Wow I love your voice so much!! *A* Yup I think you'll be a perfect Young Mer!
If you're ok with the role I'll be waiting for your lines! ^^
And poke me whenever you need my mix/animation! (I'll add your skype later when I get on comp)

P.S aww I'm so glad you think the cover sounds great so far! *shreds tears* I'll keep up on the mix!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by reizu Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:27 pm

Hey Catalyst. This seems like a cool (and large) undertaking, trying to get 10+ different voices together. Let me audition for a part. It'd be great to participate in one of your projects again. 

Name: reizu
Role(s) wanted: Witch Hunter 2
Example of your voice: Witch Hunter 2 audition
What would you like me to do for you in return? Mixing or animation. Like Shinra, if you're okay with giving out an IOU, that'd be the best.  
Best way(s) to reach you: skype

Singing Alias : reizu Posts : 156
Join date : 2014-08-17
I'm on the spice rack! Raidcall Train Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:29 pm

reizu wrote:Hey Catalyst. This seems like a cool (and large) undertaking, trying to get 10+ different voices together. Let me audition for a part. It'd be great to participate in one of your projects again. 

Name: reizu
Role(s) wanted: Witch Hunter 2
Example of your voice: Witch Hunter 2 audition
What would you like me to do for you in return? Mixing or animation. Like Shinra, if you're okay with giving out an IOU, that'd be the best.  
Best way(s) to reach you: skype

This sounds awesome, Reizu! I'll be waiting for your lines then! *^*
Yup taking an IOU is fine! I'll put that up on the main post, you can poke me anytime on skype or YTC!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Rare-chan Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:19 am

Name: Rare
Role(s) wanted: Little Sister (I can also do Little Elizabeth if need be)
Example of your voice:
What would you like me to for you in return? #2 would be nice I just need some art for my new profile picture.
Best way(s) to reach you: Via email
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : Rare Posts : 8
Join date : 2015-09-06

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Riyumi Sun Oct 11, 2015 4:09 pm

Catalyst wrote:
Awww~ you always help me when I'm desperate of voice actors <333
And thank you so much! I'll gladly take your beautiful soul hehehe >U<  I'm so happy to work in the same project with you too!

Ohhhh yessss let's do another Hitoshizuku/Yama song!! You can always poke me for duets/collabs anytime cuz I love them so much!! <3

Lol that was only once...also, the recorded versions shall come after dinner tonight--hopefully my room mate being in the room won't make my pitch too high for Therese's part (but it should work for Young Elizabeth or Elise's part--just maybe extra nervous though...) I'll play around with pitch before I submit. I can reach Therese's low range--though I may have to hide out in the music room where it's echo-ey because there's no way I'm going to have a low voice with another presence in the room. On another note, the only line I can't quite hear at all is Therese's:  Buta no yoo ni wameku na! Migurushii! 

So I apologize if the timing/enunciation for that is off. All I know is that it should be said with contempt. Another side note: "nido to doutai no ue ni kunrin dekinu mono to omoe!" will slightly be off time towards the italicized parts since I can barely hear the timing for that as well. 

Would Amayumerou be alright with you? (The high range will kill me, but I've been wanting to do it with someone for so long!!)
Motor Mouth

Singing Alias : Riyumi Posts : 680
Join date : 2013-06-06
Age : 28
Location : Destination ahead to your right

I'm on the spice rack! Ai Kotoba II Chorus Blind Duets Judge Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Megurine Luka 10-Year Celebration Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:45 pm

Rare-chan wrote:Name: Rare
Role(s) wanted: Little Sister (I can also do Little Elizabeth if need be)
Example of your voice:
What would you like me to for you in return? #2 would be nice I just need some art for my new profile picture.
Best way(s) to reach you: Via email

Oh thank you so much Rare!! Your voice is so cute! ^ ^
If it's ok I'll go ahead and use your recordings!
And please give me your character reference/pose so that I could draw a chibi for you! (If you'd like you can mail to me:
Thanks a lot!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Rare-chan Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:48 pm

Aww. Thank! I'll send it to you right now.
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : Rare Posts : 8
Join date : 2015-09-06

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:51 pm

Riyumi wrote:
Catalyst wrote:
Awww~ you always help me when I'm desperate of voice actors <333
And thank you so much! I'll gladly take your beautiful soul hehehe >U<  I'm so happy to work in the same project with you too!

Ohhhh yessss let's do another Hitoshizuku/Yama song!! You can always poke me for duets/collabs anytime cuz I love them so much!! <3

Lol that was only once...also, the recorded versions shall come after dinner tonight--hopefully my room mate being in the room won't make my pitch too high for Therese's part (but it should work for Young Elizabeth or Elise's part--just maybe extra nervous though...) I'll play around with pitch before I submit. I can reach Therese's low range--though I may have to hide out in the music room where it's echo-ey because there's no way I'm going to have a low voice with another presence in the room. On another note, the only line I can't quite hear at all is Therese's:  Buta no yoo ni wameku na! Migurushii! 

So I apologize if the timing/enunciation for that is off. All I know is that it should be said with contempt. Another side note: "nido to doutai no ue ni kunrin dekinu mono to omoe!" will slightly be off time towards the italicized parts since I can barely hear the timing for that as well. 

Would Amayumerou be alright with you? (The high range will kill me, but I've been wanting to do it with someone for so long!!)

Thank you so much Riyumi!! I'm sure you'll sound awesome as Therese! Can't wait for your lines! >U<
Yup, timing being a bit off is totally fine! I couldn't hear clearly at some parts as well so it's okay!

Uwahhh I love Amayumerou!! I've been wanting to do this song for a long time too! *^* Do you want to be Rin or Miku? I could mix too if you don't mind!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:57 pm

Rare-chan wrote:Aww. Thank! I'll send it to you right now.

Got it! I'll send the pic to your mail when I'm done!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by ShanaInREmix Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:31 pm

Mmmm~ Hi Catalyst //waves

This looks interesting so I wanna try ufufufufu~ I don't have latest sample, so I just record the role I wanna do.. It's up to you to decide whether it's usable or not.. So.. Here's the form >> 

Name: シャナ
Role(s) wanted: Young Elizabeth
Example of your voice: Young Elizabeth
What would you like me to do for you in return? I would prioritize #1 for solo or duet.. But chibi art looks so cute OMG DX
Best way(s) to reach you: Twitter @shanaREmix or Skype shanainremix
LOLI now & forever

Singing Alias : Shana/シャナ Posts : 198
Join date : 2014-07-20
Location : Malaysia

I'm on the spice rack! Tako Luka Maguro Fever Event Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:13 pm

Rare-chan wrote:Aww. Thank! I'll send it to you right now.
I've just send you the chibi!
Hope you'll like it!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:15 pm

ShanaInREmix wrote:Mmmm~ Hi Catalyst //waves

This looks interesting so I wanna try ufufufufu~ I don't have latest sample, so I just record the role I wanna do.. It's up to you to decide whether it's usable or not.. So.. Here's the form >> 

Name: シャナ
Role(s) wanted: Young Elizabeth
Example of your voice: Young Elizabeth
What would you like me to do for you in return? I would prioritize #1 for solo or duet.. But chibi art looks so cute OMG DX
Best way(s) to reach you: Twitter @shanaREmix or Skype shanainremix

*cries* Your Eliz is soooo good!! *A* You really sounded like her!
I'm definitely gonna use your lines! >U<

And yup, mixing solo or duet is fine for me! I'll add you on skype for that!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by ShanaInREmix Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:11 pm

Ehehehe~ Thanks!! Glad that I can help XD

Btw, your cover sounds good so far and ganbatte!!
LOLI now & forever

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Join date : 2014-07-20
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I'm on the spice rack! Tako Luka Maguro Fever Event Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Riyumi Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:29 pm

Name: Riyumi
Role(s) wanted: Therese and/or Elise (choose which fits xD)
Example of your voice: Therese Elise
What would you like me to do for you in return? : Could you mix Reizu/my duet of My Pace? (If this is too much to ask after Amayumerou--I totally understand! I don't want to overflow you with tasks; but for Ama--I believe Rin doesn't go as high as Miku so if that's okay with you--I'd like Rin's part)
Best way(s) to reach you: PM or skype

**I am not satisfied with Therese/Elise's takes. I was so nervous with my room mate behind me. The laughs for Elise sounds forced and I can go higher/cutesy-er (?) if I can just find time alone. But I promised I'd have lines tonight so here are the sample! Also, the okaerinasa--- should be softer sounding towards Meru and the "buta no yoo ni" line could be so so so so much better. Same with the kisama no sono minukui atama. Death could have also been more dramatic with the uuuugh. So much more feels could have been transmitted >:U  

So yeah. These are just samples of how my voice would sound for these parts. I shall go hide in a corner from embarrassment now...

Last edited by Riyumi on Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:31 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : fixed format)
Motor Mouth

Singing Alias : Riyumi Posts : 680
Join date : 2013-06-06
Age : 28
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I'm on the spice rack! Ai Kotoba II Chorus Blind Duets Judge Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Megurine Luka 10-Year Celebration Participant

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

Post by Catalyst Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:59 pm

Riyumi wrote:Name: Riyumi
Role(s) wanted: Therese and/or Elise (choose which fits xD)
Example of your voice: Therese Elise
What would you like me to do for you in return? : Could you mix Reizu/my duet of My Pace? (If this is too much to ask after Amayumerou--I totally understand! I don't want to overflow you with tasks; but for Ama--I believe Rin doesn't go as high as Miku so if that's okay with you--I'd like Rin's part)
Best way(s) to reach you: PM or skype

**I am not satisfied with Therese/Elise's takes. I was so nervous with my room mate behind me. The laughs for Elise sounds forced and I can go higher/cutesy-er (?) if I can just find time alone. But I promised I'd have lines tonight so here are the sample! Also, the okaerinasa--- should be softer sounding towards Meru and the "buta no yoo ni" line could be so so so so much better. Same with the kisama no sono minukui atama. Death could have also been more dramatic with the uuuugh. So much more feels could have been transmitted >:U  

So yeah. These are just samples of how my voice would sound for these parts. I shall go hide in a corner from embarrassment now...

They're too awesome, Riyumi!! >U< I totally loved them and I have no problem using them in the final mix! *^* (Although if you'd like to make changes I'm fine with that too!)
So if you don't mind I will be putting you down for both, is it okay?

Yup! I'm more than happy to mix for you! (I enjoy mixing so it's all good <33) Also I don't mind being Miku!

Singing Alias : Catalyst Posts : 374
Join date : 2013-03-13
Location : GPS Failed To Locate

SMILING Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】 Empty Re: 【DONE!】Fairytale of Light and Darkness VA【Thank you all!】

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