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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Hiro Muse
Blue | ブルウ
The Doctor
Nazuma Haze
Shin Berkenstel
110 posters

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Riyumi Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:06 pm

Just a reminder...deadline is within TWO days and there will be NO GRACE PERIOD. Thank you to those who submitted early~ helps ease up the stack we have to judge and we can do it at our own pace ;3 (earlier you all send in--the faster we can judge and release results). Other than that...looking good so far! I can't wait to see all your entries! Best of luck to you all and have fun~
Motor Mouth

Singing Alias : Riyumi Posts : 680
Join date : 2013-06-06
Age : 28
Location : Destination ahead to your right

I'm on the spice rack! Ai Kotoba II Chorus Blind Duets Judge Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Megurine Luka 10-Year Celebration Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by xpomusume Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:25 am

-Hua -
-Jess -
Original singer(s): 
-World is Mine: Hatsune Miku
-Just Be Friends: Megurine Luka (Rapbit & Zebra rap)
-Renai Circulation: Hanazawa Kana
-Suki Kirai: Kagamine Rin & Len
-Choose Me: Hatsune Miku x Hyadain
-Suki Daisuki: Kagamine Rin
-World is Mine: Ryo
-Just Be Friends: Dixie Flatline
-Renai Circulation: SHAFT 
-Suki Kirai: Gom Giga-P
-Choose Me: Hyadain
-Suki Daisuki: RENA
Original video:
-World is Mine:
-Just Be Friends:
-Renai Circulation:
-Suki Kirai:
-Choose Me:
-Suki Daisuki:
Lyrics: [script + translation]

-World is Mine: Ryo
-Just Be Friends: Dixie Flatline
-Renai Circulation: SHAFT (?)
-Suki Kirai: Gom
-Choose Me: Hyadain
-Suki Daisuki: RENA
Mix: Hua
-World is Mine: Redjuice
-Just Be Friends: Yunomi-P
-Renai Circulation: Hajime Ueda (?)
-Suki Kirai: Yamako
-Choose Me: No art used
-Suki Daisuki: Eromame
Why did you pick this song?: We picked the songs above because they fit the idea of the story we had in mind. The chord progression also had to be considered as it changed from one song to the next, so we tried to find a few that would fit well together. We also knew the struggles of trying to change oneself to fit the preferences of the person they like, and hoped that people out there would realise that they don't have to be uber cute or a sparkling diva to win the heart of that special someone. Who knows ? Senpai might like the real you a lot more ! :>
Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: 
     This story shows a kouhai's efforts in trying to get her senpai to notice her. She tries to be the typical himedere that other senpais seem to go after, thinking that senpai would be impressed, only to find out that senpai only wants to be friends. Kouhai doesn't give up, and tries a different approach ! She puts on a cute, cheerful facade and tells senpai her honest feelings in a fluffy song, to appear more endearing to senpai. 
     Secretly, senpai already knows what kouhai is really like. She has already fallen for kouhai, and is finding it harder and harder to deny her true feelings. She tries to remember her feelings when she first rejected kouhai, hoping to erase what she really felt. (Hence the same pv, with the addition of a strong rap, as if she's convincing herself !) Even so, she starts to realise that she had already fallen for kouhai back then. In the end, senpai admits her love for kouhai with a loud, echoing confession ! <3

Last edited by xpomusume on Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding script and translation)

Singing Alias : Hua Posts : 26
Join date : 2014-02-12
Age : 28
3rd Place in Blind Duets Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by annacairistiona Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:15 am

-Alyss -
-anna -
Original singer(s): Kalafina
Original chorus : Yuriko Kaida & Yuki Kajiura
Producer : Yuki Kajiura
Kalafina -- After Eden: Track 1
Piano cover :
Jyukukapi15 -
Lyrics :
Mix & Animation : Alyss
Art : anna
Why did you pick this song?: Because of the beautiful composition and the lyrics of the song. Not to mention Alyss loves Kalafina!
How is this song related to your theme? We interpreted the meaning behind the lyrics to be a song about two sisters that have been separated and wish to meet and be together again someday.
Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: 2 sisters that haven't seen each other in years. One (the little sister: anna) has moved to the city to pursue her dreams while the older sister (Alyss) has stayed behind to do work in the countryside where they once lived together. Though their paths have been separated, they keep in contact via letters etc. Fortunately, in a place bordering the city and the countryside, their paths meet once again.
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : anna Posts : 3
Join date : 2013-06-25
Age : 28
Location : Scotland

Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by M-i-a-H Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:25 am

-Fuunyu  - YTchorus profile  YT channel
-M-i-a-H - YTchorus profile  YT channel
Original singer(s): Hatsune Miku and Gumi
Producer:  40mP
Original video:
Lyrics: Script
Mix: Fuunyu
Art: Pixiv Id 3130352 
Why did you pick this song?: This song is related to the theme because this is about Tanabata. Tanabata is a story about two lovers who were separated and once a year, they are able to be reunited. 
Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:  For this particular song, how we interoperated it was that there were these two girls who fell in love during the summer festivals (this is also during the time of Tanabata). At times, they feel that they are restless without being with each other and it is rather heart breaking to be apart from who they love. However, as they look up at the  stars in the sky and know that the one they love is not so far away. 
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : M-i-a-H Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-08-21
Age : 34
Location : Australia

Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by ramenaddict22 Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:53 am

Link: soundcloud (updated!)
-Archishe -
-exe -
Original singer(s): IA
Producer: 150P (mylist/13610527 co132693) 
Original video:
Lyrics: スズム (Suzumu) (mylist/20737161 co57092)
Mix: Neneki -
Art: 空 (Kara)

Why did you pick this song?:  From the moment that the two of us met we hit it off quite well, but we found that the we're completely different 'character types.' (Pretty sure we fought over senpai status at one point) Both being power vocalists with a love for belting, we wanted something loud and upbeat, but also something with a crazy flair to it. We both named this song as a choice, and decided we would do everything in our power to make it work.

Like trying to out-power each other.

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: In our story, the two characters are childhood friends who once embraced their different personalities, but found that, as they got older, those same differences were putting a wedge in between them. They began to develop disdain for one another. Eventually it led to a huge academic and social rivalry in their high school years that's left both of them with horrible vanity and far-too-large egos. 

Things start to get ugly when the narcissism turns into illusory superiority--err, elitism--especially, since there isn't room enough for two kings in this castle. 
Oh no!

It's a battle of "calm and collected" vs "brash and headstrong," and just when it reaches the exhilarating climax...

...they both wake to the sound of alarms and mother's screaming, only to realize their battle was nothing but an unbelievably disappointing wet dream. 


Last edited by ramenaddict22 on Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added lyrics!)
Talking Fruit/Vegetable

Singing Alias : exe Posts : 93
Join date : 2013-08-20
Age : 28
Location : canada

Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by TanshinX Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:30 pm

Link: Since I never use soundcloud...

 - kura
 - 昨夜

Original singer(s): GUMI

Producer: Signal-P

Original video: sm11713594

Lyrics: Deadman - Script

Mix: 昨夜

Art: Fyre

Why did you pick this song?: The two of us had some trouble corresponding our schedules to be able to talk and plan. We chose this song to demonstrate our frustration to be able to collaborate.

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: We are portraying friends who wanted to be together but couldn't do to external circumstances. There is much that we want to say that can't properly conveyed by text and we worry that the other will forget about us. 
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : 昨夜 Posts : 6
Join date : 2014-02-10
Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Yoshi Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:58 pm

Link: >>here<< ''1, 2, Fanclub!''

Original singer(s): GUMIKagamine Rin
Original video: Here!
Lyrics: Japanese lyrics by MikitoP.
English subtitles by descentsubs / Descent87.
The script is here! (I suggest you look here for the dialogue)
Dialogue written by Coru.

Mix: Euji/Echoe.
ヨリ(illustrated movie)
Why did you pick this song? & Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
Motor Mouth

Singing Alias : Coru Posts : 844
Join date : 2012-01-28
Age : 26
Location : Ireland

Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Legender Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:06 pm

Gender -
Kaen -
Original singer(s): あほの坂田&窓付き@
Original video:
Lyrics: link (our script with kanji below ;w; Also there is no translation? I guess the story is mostly a paraphrased translation, but there's not a translation as far as I'm aware on the internet)
Mix: Gender
Art: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Why did you pick this song?: Ah well you see, we both like pocky. That's about it, haha. We thought it was a cute song, so we went along with it! As for how it fits... Well, you know, the Pocky Game is where two people eat opposite ends of the same pocky stick... And it ends in a kiss ;ooo It's basically Lady and the Tramp with pocky

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: The story is about two girls, who are close friends, and actually like each other~ They're so nervous to meet up one day, but they meet up anyways! They decide to play the pocky game... But they're so nervous and scared, it doesn't get anywhere! The two girls won't meet at the middle, both of them backing out (and "losing").

Then a few days later at school, the two girls confess their love. It's like a huge weight is lifted off of them, they can both finally smile in each others' company without fear of being rejected. They play the pocky game again and... チュー~!(*´▽`*)

Last edited by Legender on Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Breathing is overrated.

Singing Alias : Gender Posts : 440
Join date : 2010-05-10
Age : 31
Location : SWCT

Ai Kotoba II Chorus Ai Kotoba II Words Blind Duets Participant SMILING Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Blue | ブルウ Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:00 am


Blue -

Arvy -

Original singer(s): Hatsune Miku Dark Append

Producer: MikitoP

Original video:

Lyrics: script (translation)

Mix: Blue

Art: Kenta -

Why did you pick this song?: Well, we're 2 guys so the first theme that came to our minds is forbidden love. For forbidden love, we first thought of magnet but it is too mainstream and almost everyone has made a duet of it already, so we picked something popular but not yet used as a duet much. So we picked Sarishinohara and to have a little uniqueness, we picked the acoustic version by Nohi. Same as our story that focuses on forbidden love, Sarishinohara has that "forbidden love" topic too. It is on a different situation but it also shows the forbidden love we want to portray. 

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
Our story is about how Blue, an unfortunate orphan barely managing to scrape by, and Arvy, the sickly, overly-protected son of wealthy parents, came to fall in love. Some men that seemed to owe some debt to his parents cornered Arvy in the park one day as he was passing by and intended to mug him. Blue, who had noticed Arvy early and had been glancing back at him since then, mesmerized, noticed Arvy's predicament and stepped in to help. He was badly hurt in the process, but managed to save Arvy. Arvy approached Blue, asking if he was alright, and was only met with an "I'm glad you're okay." He was taken aback by Blue's charming smile, despite his dirty clothes and hair and new wounds. After this incident, the two became friends and grew closer over time. Arvy struggled greatly with their relationship, knowing that Blue was working hard to put himself through school and that Arvy had plenty of money to help him out, but could not. However, Blue refused to ask anything financial of him, insisting that all he needed to get along in life was Arvy's companionship. Several months later, Blue finally confessed the love he'd harbored for Arvy for so long, and Arvy accepted him gladly. However, it didn't take long for Arvy's very overprotective parents to find out about the new couple. They began to do all they could to keep Arvy cooped up inside and away from Blue, but the two managed to be able to meet in secret occasionally.

Last edited by Blue | ブルウ on Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total

Blue | ブルウ
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : Blue Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Philippines

Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Kumoshi Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:04 am

- Kumoshi
Original singer(s): Hiro and Nekuto
Producer: Humbert Humbert
Original video:
Lyrics: script
Mix: Kumoshi
Art: いき
Why did you pick this song?: It was one of several songs that I suggested, but part of the reason we ended up picking this one was because some other songs were either too high or low or for one of us (such as Nakimushi Kareshi ;w; ). It's a very sweet and calming song. It's also nice how the lyrics are somewhat open to interpretation - it could be considered to be a story of friends, or family, or lovers, and it can also be viewed as either happy or sad, depending on whether you think the characters are still able to spend time together or if they're parting ways for good.
Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: The boy and girl (doesn't have to be their genders, but basing it off the voices of the original singers) were childhood friends who were very close. They always spent a lot of time together and understood each other so well it was like they could read each other's thoughts. As they grew older, they fell in love. However, the girl became very ill. The boy often came to visit in her in the hospital and the two of them were determined that the girl would recover, but eventually she became weaker and weaker until she passed away. The boy had a really hard time coming to terms with it, so he clings to his memories of her and tries to convince himself that she is still by his side. But he is finally starting to let go and say goodbye to her.
Motor Mouth

Singing Alias : Kumoshi Posts : 1014
Join date : 2013-03-16
Age : 28
Location : Berkeley/Milpitas, California

I'm on the spice rack! Ai Kotoba II Words Blind Duets Participant SMILING Participant Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4) Monthly Theme Participant (3/4) Monthly Theme Participant (4/4)

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by soren Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:41 am

Xero -
Natsuno (ナツノ) -
Original singer(s): Hatsune Miku
Producer: KusoinakaP
Original video:
Lyrics: [Original Lyrics]
Mix: Xero
Art: --

Why did you pick this song?: Because two of us prefers not so happy genres, and you know, that... this song isn't
Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
Click Me:

i'm so sorry for my bad english _(:3

Last edited by Natsuno on Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:25 am; edited 1 time in total

Singing Alias : soren Posts : 536
Join date : 2011-04-26
Age : 27
Location : Indonesia

Blind Duets Participant SMILING Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Eru Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:04 am


- Eru -
- Wensu -

Original singer(s): GUMI
Producer: BuzzG
Original video: Mogeratta
Lyrics: BuzzG
Mix: Eru
Art: Mogeratta

Why did you pick this song?: 
- I picked this song because I wanted to challenge myself to sing higher and because this song fits my partner's voice perfectly as well. - Wensu

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
- To me it's about a girl who is not so confident and who actually longs for a happier life, but she is unable to manage so herself. Then she meets the guy who completely changes her life and they both become a happier person because of each other. They are realistic but not pessimistic. True love binds them together and they stay with each other until the very end. Even after the guy, who is already in his 80s probably, dies, the girl who is now also a granny, smiles along and knows that she's led a happy life because of him. She won't ever forget him and will always love him and so will he.
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : Eru Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-02-12
Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Aerlith Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:19 am

Updated to this point, and everyone who submitted their entries should have their badges now. Please PM me if you do not.

Also, since a lot of people are missing it:
Information wrote:You should link to the translation in your entry though.
Translations are not required (since I did not write it clearly in the original form), but it would be helpful when we go back to judge your entry. Form has been edited now to be more specific in what we are asking for. Sorry about the confusion.

Playlist of entries can be found here (Only Youtube or SoundCloud at the moment):

We have received some requests for extensions. Unfortunately, we cannot do that, as we have already had people submit entries since the beginning of this week, and that would be unfair to them. However, if you still wish to get your entries recognized as part of the YTC Blind Duet Event, we will have a separate playlist for them. You can submit to that playlist until the 31st and you will also be able to receive the participant badge. However, your entry will not be part of the judging process and will therefore be ineligible for prizes.

Last edited by Aerlith on Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total
Forever messing with staff.
Forever messing with staff.

Singing Alias : Aerlith Posts : 1976
Join date : 2013-03-16
I'm on the spice rack! Raidcall Train Participant Ai Kotoba II Chorus Ai Kotoba II Words Blind Duets Judge SMILING Participant Tako Luka Maguro Fever Event Participant Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant Megurine Luka 10-Year Celebration Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4) Monthly Theme Participant (3/4) Monthly Theme Participant (4/4)

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by raisssssu Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:01 am


- Raissu -
- Aeon -

Original singer(s): MAYU 

Producer/Lyrics: みきとP

Video: CHRIS

Original video:

Mix: Raissu

Why did you pick this song?: How is this song related to your theme? 
Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
We picked this song because it was probably the first song we both liked on our list of suggestions when we were coming up with ideas for this. 

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
Yuudachi no Ribbon 夕立のリボ (The Evening Shower’s Ribbon)
This is the story of two childhood friends with very different personalities, A-chan and Rai-chan. A-chan is a quiet kuudere while Rai-chan is an energetic and carefree girl. On a rainy day after school, Rai-chan, who hadn’t brought an umbrella with her that day, is greeted by A-chan who offers her an umbrella. It seems Rai-chan and A-chan have liked each other since some time ago, but were afraid of judgement from the people around them. As the two walk together in the rain, what kind of long-hidden feelings emerge..? Will their platonic relationship be broken, or will this secret wish be washed away with the rain and hidden within their hearts?
Talking Fruit/Vegetable

Singing Alias : アズレ/Raissu Posts : 56
Join date : 2014-02-11
Age : 81
Location : Starbucks

I'm on the spice rack! Blind Duets Participant Box of Cheer ٩๏̯͡๏۶ Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4)

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by soren Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:25 am

Ah, sorry i forgot to mention ;;

Natsuno and Xero's entry has been uploaded to sc so here it goes ;v;

Singing Alias : soren Posts : 536
Join date : 2011-04-26
Age : 27
Location : Indonesia

Blind Duets Participant SMILING Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by ryoko97 Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:52 pm


- Azusa -
りょ子 -

Original singer(s): Kagamine Rin feat. Hatsune Miku

Producer: emon (Tes.)
Original video: シエル
Lyrics: emon (Tes.)

Azusa (Tuning/Timing)
りょ子 (mastering)

Art: ...I'm sorry but other than Tumblr and some "pinterest" website, the only other website I found this picture from was this though I think it may not be the original source.

Why did you pick this song?: At first, we wanted to sing Honeyworks latest song since it's love related. But then I (ryoko pff--) didn't feel motivated(?) to sing it//sorry. So we thought a more upbeat song would be better! And so we picked Juliet and Romeo! 

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: We are lovers or best friends idek-- but we love each other soooo much that our love for each other can be seen as how strong the love between Romeo and Juliet is. According to the lyrics, most of the lines are like "I want to be by your side" and "forever--" like - I love you so much please don't leave me stay with me forever - So the main highlight about our story is how much we love each other. WE LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH MUAHMUAH 

Both of us wished to talk to each other more but timezones-- //sobs
Fresh off the Boat

Singing Alias : りょ子 Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-02-12
Age : 27
Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by lazziejan Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:32 pm

Singers: へら & Jan
Original Singers: GUMI
Producer: 蝶々P
Original video: sm22608740
Lyrics: Original | Translation | Script
Mix: チョ子
Art: San
Animation: Jan

Why did we pick this song?:
We originally chose another song, however we talked about it and finally went with this as the duet song. When we first heard “heartless”, we immediately fell in love with the melody. The lyrics is really touching; as it talks about a male robot who wants to love a girl but he doesn’t have a physical heart to do so. This is why we want to convey to everyone the message of loving and cherishing those around you before you regret it.

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
The story is based on a boy who was ill and didn’t have much time left to live. He wanted to confess to the girl he loves before it’s too late.

The boy didn’t know how to confess in words, therefore he wanted to do something for her. He would go pick out the girl’s favourite carnations from his garden to give to her. And the girl had always wondered why there was her favourite flower on her desk every morning. Little does she know it was from the boy.

One day the girl came to class early to see who this mystery person was, but no one came. School ended that day, the girl went home and wondered confusedly. The next morning she went to class early again, and the several mornings after as well. However there were no more flowers on her desk.

After a week has passed, the boy’s best friend went to find the girl in the classroom and handed her a note.

“By the time you read this, I have already gone somewhere far from this world. I have always loved you but I was really ill and didn’t have the courage to confess to you. I planted your favourite carnations in my garden and had put one on your desk each morning. But recently I wasn’t able to come to class and put them on your desk. My illness had become more serious and I was rushed to the hospital. I’m sorry I won’t able to give you flowers anymore. I hope you’ll find someone who loves and cherishes you as much as I do. Although I have a weak heart, I’ll always love you. Good bye.”

The girl burst into tears and held the note close to her heart.

Last edited by lazziejan on Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Singing Alias : Jan Posts : 22
Join date : 2014-02-12
Age : 32
Location : Canada

1st Place in Blind Duets Blind Duets Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Emi Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:36 pm

Link: 嘘つきの世界で恋文【れに ღ エミ】

Singers: Reni & Emi

Original Singer: 初音ミク 
Producer: バイカP & すくっぷ
Original video: 恋文 & 嘘つきの世界
Lyrics: Script and Lyrics
Mix: Emi
Art: Original videos. 

Why did you pick this song?: These two songs combined represent the different emotions between two people and the struggles of maintaining a relationship where one person wavers.

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: Have you ever loved somebody so much that you would continuously chase after them, even if it may seem hopeless? This story revolves around two girls, one a dedicated lover and the other hiding her hurt behind lies and pretty words. The dedicated lover keeps trying to save her important person from the pain and fear underneath the cold exterior, but is slowly losing hope as each day passes, resorting to writing her letters alone and crying each night. 

The cold hearted girl looks on, shying away and continuing to judge humanity and other people, scared of facing her emotions and admitting how she really feels. But eventually, when the dedicated lover is on the verge of giving up and realizing that she won't be able to pursue this relationship any further, the cold hearted girl finally cracks and desperately tries to reach out to that helping hand that's already been retracted. 

But it might be too late. 

"I love you, but I'm a liar."
Hyperactive SUGAR HIGH

Singing Alias : エミ Posts : 1282
Join date : 2010-02-21
Age : 29
Location : Seattle, WA

Dango Daikazoku Chorus Dango Chorus Illustration My YTC Story Blind Duets Participant SMILING Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:54 pm

For those who would like to listen to our entry on SoundCloud, the link is here [cont. from Hua's post]:



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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Nishina Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:08 pm

“Tokyo ni Mannaka de Nekorobu”
Composer: 40mP
Vocaloid: Hatsune Miku

Link! :

Original Link:

Vocals by:
mix : Rosa

Theme for Blind Duet: Our relationship

We have both decided that this song was closest to our relationship- strangers, who were once distant from the community, that decide to once again re-join society. Like the song reflects staying still while everyone continues on, and finally getting back into action, we follow the same procedure. Before being part of the blind duet, we were “strangers”, but now we have taken part in a community project : )

Singing Alias : nishi*na Posts : 207
Join date : 2010-06-14
Age : 28
Location : Toilet :D

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Nauliz Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:48 pm

Link:  shinkai shoujo
Rygar - here
KurokoP - here
Original singer(s): Kaito and Miku 
Producer: 4-RenP
Original video: NND
Lyrics: here
Art: so*
Why did you pick this song?: Ok, so, At first It was merely like random pick (srsly), She prefer slow paced song and I agree with her, and hence I pick shinkai shoujo with piano arrangement because she already familiar with the song '3' well, Why it fit with the theme ? The relationship of both of them were like a "stranger" at first, but, The boy got charmed by deep sea girl and try to save her when she sank to the deep of sea.

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
The story:

Singing Alias : Nauliz Posts : 434
Join date : 2013-12-29
Age : 27
Location : Indonesia

Ai Kotoba II Words Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Warsfeil Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:30 pm

oh gosh i really hope this is understandable im too tired to be writing this kind of stuff LOL but here we go!!!

- 小匙 -
- Warsfeil -

Original singer(s): Kagamine Rin & Len
Producer: Hitoshizuku-P / ひとしずくP ( ) + Yama△ / やま△ ( )
Original video:

Mix: Warsfeil ( )
Art: (for soundcloud icon) Spoon (小匙) ( / )

Why did you pick this song? (How is this song related to your theme?):
Considering we are from neighbour countries (Finland & Sweden) we decided to use rivalry/enemies as our theme! In Karakuri卍Burst, Rin & Len are enemies, which is why the song matches the theme we wanted to go for. But they're not just enemies, in the PV for the original video (with art by Suzu no Suke / 鈴ノ助 ( )) it's hinted that Rin & Len share a deeper connection, possibly being siblings but only recoqnizing the other at the end of the video.

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
Following Karakuri卍Burst's PV and lyrics we wanted to do something similiar and went for a "close friends even though different speices, separated, ending up on different sides off a battle and so becoming enemies" approach. Considering Warsfeil usually is portrayed as a sheep, and Spoon a wolf/dog, this idea came pretty easily. After all these two speices aren't usually considered friends, and the complications (like having different languages (which is why we made translyrics in Swedish & Finnish for the second to last chorus)) of it seemed fascinating to work with.
They get separated and as they aren't the same animals they will fight against each other, and years later they probably wouldn't recoqnize the other. They do end up fighting against each other, realizing who the other is and wondering if they somehow would be able to play together again, just like old times.

Singing Alias : Warsfeil Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-04-05
Location : Sweden

2nd Place in Blind Duets Blind Duets Participant YTC 2015 Blind Duet Participant Monthly Theme Participant (1/4) Monthly Theme Participant (2/4) Monthly Theme Participant (3/4) Monthly Theme Participant (4/4)

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by Sakura Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:15 pm

Link: // Matryoshka
Lu -
Memorial -
Original singers: Hatsune Miku and Gumi

Producer: hachi
Original video:
Lyrics: Romaji and English
Mix: Lu

Why did you pick this song?:
We picked this song because it's simple yet catchy.
Also it tells a story that contradicts itself which was a bit what we wanted to use since our voices don't sound too well when in solo but have a really pretty blend when together*

Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have:
Nobody has a simple, painless life.. and because of that, sometime we feel like a "Matryoshka covered in patches" and get frustrated.. 

And to get away from that we search for someone to make us forget that, 
someone who we can dance all night and just be childish, with who we can just ..relax.
This is our relation. We support each other even though, sometimes, we get so frustrated that we simply collide..and argue/get mad and want to be left alone .. "Dance quickly, and get out of my sight"!

But, in the end.. we are that close that, even when we argue..we know we will be there if needed.
(we added that final dialog - right at the ending of the instrumental - to express that*)

So basicly, it's a love x hate relation because sometimes, our hidden feelings, our daylife frustrations get out..
In the song we reflected this "hate" with the parts where we don't blend, as if we were just trying to make the other and everything sound bad.. but when we sing together, we blend, we give strenght to one another and that's our love*

Last edited by Sakura on Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:05 am; edited 2 times in total
✿ Lullaby
✿ Lullaby

Singing Alias : Lu (ルー) Posts : 2029
Join date : 2011-02-06
Age : 31
Location : Portugal

Ai Kotoba II Chorus Ai Kotoba II Words Blind Duets Participant SMILING Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by JayelChan Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:38 pm

Link: 【❦SAE And Jayel】「櫻唄」

❦SAE -
Jayel -

Original singer(s): Ooka Miko (櫻歌ミコ)
Producer: Chie (ちえ)
Original video: 原之
Lyrics: Chie (ちえ) -- Script
Mix: Jayel
Art: SAE

Why did you pick this song?: [Because it was in our ranges and we found a story in it (LOL)] This song is titled “Sakura Song,” and because sakura flowers symbolize friendship, we chose it to represent our relationship.
How is this song related to your theme?:  At the end of this contest, we have become friends and as the theme is to portray your relationship, we are portraying love and friendship, since the song is about love….and friendship.
Story behind the relationship the two characters in the song have: This song reflects a love between a princess and a warrior who have a forbidden love due to their different social standings. We took this concept and made it our own (especially since we’re two girls) by the thought that love can also be seen as a strong friendship -- which is what we have going on. In addition, they (the princess and the warrior) are both political symbols for a country, and while we both live in the same country, we are separated by different states (almost-neighboring states too -- so close, but so far away~), so they represent different parts of the country, separated by the differences in states (relating to the song: same nation, different social standing). Along with that, we took the representation of sakura frequently shown in the video as a marking of reincarnation, so we could also say that we were destined to be partners and friends~♥

Singing Alias : Jayel Posts : 15
Join date : 2013-07-21
Age : 28
Location : Antarctica

Blind Duets Participant

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[CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet - Page 8 Empty Re: [CONTEST] Blind Duets ~ 2014 (FINISHED) #YTCBlindDuet

Post by HimitsunoHana Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:40 pm

arcana - yt/user/randomtama
nomu - yt/user/TheTwinkleMist
Original singers: Hatsune Miku
Producer: MezameP
Original video: Mariwai
Lyrics: [/url]
Mix: Nomu & Arcana
Art: nomu--arcana; arcana--redjuice


Paranoia is a beautiful song that we both enjoyed, and it depicts a deep and emotional story. We felt that it was a great song to try and portray.


Paranoia is a song about a girl who fell in love with a guy who didn't love her back the same way she did. 

He spoke hollow words with no meaning which made her feel like he was the only thing important in her life. 

She realizes that his love is not real yet can't get herself to hate him, to get over him. 

He meant the world to her. Whenever she was with him she felt content and happy. It hurts to be without him. 

The pain is so overwhelming that she can't get used to it. Yet she holds hope that one day she can get over him. 

Till that day comes she continues to see him in her dreams.

"Anata ni aitai, sayounara ni tsutaetai. Sore wa...atashi no saigo no nozomi."

- I want to see you and be able to say goodbye. That is my last wish.

Ending a relationship is a sad and hard time, but it is important for both parties to not dwell in the past but look forward and try to find happiness again.


the relationship the girl and the boy have was never meant to be. everything is insecurity and pain and paranoia.

yo this was so rushed at the end u dont even kNOW--[/font][/color]

Singing Alias : arcana Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-12-30
Blind Duets Participant

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