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Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
Serena Scarlet
8 posters
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Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
I'd just like to say that the "complaints" forum is in itself a bad Idea or rather, poorly executed. It is definitely necessary to give out constructive criticism when it is due If you feel like something is going wrong, something you don't like, something you wish was here. That's normal, but very few people have the courage to speak up since this is such a small community. To add to that, it's starting to become a well known fact that there are cliques in this community and as a brand new user it's frankly difficult to be integrated with the seniors.
Anyway, what I'm getting to is that no one will want to post here because everyone will know each other and so replies will range from: ";A; I'm so sorry I'll make things better, oh I had no clue you felt that way /guilt" to "well if you don't like it GTFO -_-" (for people who are not part of these cliques and new users).
My suggestion is that if you really want honest not overly sugarcoated feedback/criticism in this community make the complaints forum anonymous. And if that's impossible, make something like an anonymous thread on LJ. They seem to work effectively. But be warned, trolls and flamers run amok on the internet.
You might argue that that could cause trouble within YTC, but having a complaints forum and considering everyone here knows each other. I'd say that would be more troublesome.
Or alternatively, impose rules to make this a more serious forum, something like:
1. Please post your complaints in a detailed clear fashion
2. Keep it civil, no flaming or trolling
3. No use of emotes because as much as you're trying to make a point the use of emotes degrades the seriousness and meaningfulness of your own argument.
I mean I'm not to big on srs business myself but you know, it'd be better if we could be a little more mature because these sorts of forums(by which I mean the complaints forum not YTC as a whole) easily get out of hand.
Ok, proceed to flame me.
I'd just like to say that the "complaints" forum is in itself a bad Idea or rather, poorly executed. It is definitely necessary to give out constructive criticism when it is due If you feel like something is going wrong, something you don't like, something you wish was here. That's normal, but very few people have the courage to speak up since this is such a small community. To add to that, it's starting to become a well known fact that there are cliques in this community and as a brand new user it's frankly difficult to be integrated with the seniors.
Anyway, what I'm getting to is that no one will want to post here because everyone will know each other and so replies will range from: ";A; I'm so sorry I'll make things better, oh I had no clue you felt that way /guilt" to "well if you don't like it GTFO -_-" (for people who are not part of these cliques and new users).
My suggestion is that if you really want honest not overly sugarcoated feedback/criticism in this community make the complaints forum anonymous. And if that's impossible, make something like an anonymous thread on LJ. They seem to work effectively. But be warned, trolls and flamers run amok on the internet.
You might argue that that could cause trouble within YTC, but having a complaints forum and considering everyone here knows each other. I'd say that would be more troublesome.
Or alternatively, impose rules to make this a more serious forum, something like:
1. Please post your complaints in a detailed clear fashion
2. Keep it civil, no flaming or trolling
3. No use of emotes because as much as you're trying to make a point the use of emotes degrades the seriousness and meaningfulness of your own argument.
I mean I'm not to big on srs business myself but you know, it'd be better if we could be a little more mature because these sorts of forums(by which I mean the complaints forum not YTC as a whole) easily get out of hand.
Ok, proceed to flame me.
Guest- Guest
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
I second many of the sentiments you have. :O I've been on many other forums apart from this one and the complaints forums are always the...grey area, so to speak. Even some of the really orderly forums have problems with complaint forums because things get out out hand-- be it through trolling or drama.
I do like the idea of the complaints forum as a means for us to express ourselves though. I'd probably use it, but I am a very self-conscious person and I wouldn't want to put forward a suggestion and then have it trolled/not taken seriously. >:
I do like the idea of the complaints forum as a means for us to express ourselves though. I'd probably use it, but I am a very self-conscious person and I wouldn't want to put forward a suggestion and then have it trolled/not taken seriously. >:
mong- Chorus Staff
- Posts : 435
Join date : 2009-11-22
Location : Here :D
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
is that so.....
@Mong( or anyone else) how o you use BBCode the one where the user's name appears in some one's sig. like
@Mong( or anyone else) how o you use BBCode the one where the user's name appears in some one's sig. like
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
I'm not entirely sure that I can make it so you can post anon in a certain section. I'll probably just change this place's name to a more welcoming section like "Forum Suggestions" or something along the lines of that. I do like your rules though.
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
Hello, thanks for the suggestions.
I agree with you in the sense that this subforum might not be as useful as it pretends to be.
Not sure if you have ever been to the main YTChorus Skype chat, but I have clearly stated many times that if people have complains, they can shoot stuff at me in private and I will try to solve it. Now imagine the kind of answer I got. Silence and no one spoke up. Though most of the people say that there are no complains, Rin keeps on receiving them everytime we post Audition winners. And again, there I go to the main chat and ask politely who those people are and if they need something, add me on Skype and I will talk to them, and I made sure that everything was going to be confidential. But again, absolute silence.
I have offered them the opportunity and they have not taken advantage of it. So Rin and I decided to open this subforum. And if it's useless, well, I don't know because I don't think those complainers are ever gonna show their faces.
I agree with you in the sense that this subforum might not be as useful as it pretends to be.
Not sure if you have ever been to the main YTChorus Skype chat, but I have clearly stated many times that if people have complains, they can shoot stuff at me in private and I will try to solve it. Now imagine the kind of answer I got. Silence and no one spoke up. Though most of the people say that there are no complains, Rin keeps on receiving them everytime we post Audition winners. And again, there I go to the main chat and ask politely who those people are and if they need something, add me on Skype and I will talk to them, and I made sure that everything was going to be confidential. But again, absolute silence.
I have offered them the opportunity and they have not taken advantage of it. So Rin and I decided to open this subforum. And if it's useless, well, I don't know because I don't think those complainers are ever gonna show their faces.
Guest- Guest
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
That's because people are too scared and think that you'll get mad at them, which is ENTIRELY possible. People take complaints as a bad thing and they want to be polite. However, complaints are necessary in a growing community and suggestions are just a more direct way of what people want. Either way, I don't really care. I have no complaints, I just hang out.
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
Noki wrote:Hello, thanks for the suggestions.
I agree with you in the sense that this subforum might not be as useful as it pretends to be.
Not sure if you have ever been to the main YTChorus Skype chat, but I have clearly stated many times that if people have complains, they can shoot stuff at me in private and I will try to solve it. Now imagine the kind of answer I got. Silence and no one spoke up. Though most of the people say that there are no complains, Rin keeps on receiving them everytime we post Audition winners. And again, there I go to the main chat and ask politely who those people are and if they need something, add me on Skype and I will talk to them, and I made sure that everything was going to be confidential. But again, absolute silence.
I have offered them the opportunity and they have not taken advantage of it. So Rin and I decided to open this subforum. And if it's useless, well, I don't know because I don't think those complainers are ever gonna show their faces.
Do you mind posting some examples of the complaints so we know what we're dealing with?
If it's just people bawwing that they didn't make it into the chorus, then it's not that big of a deal.
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
I haven't received any complains myself, and Rin didn't show me anything from her chats. But I have talked to some people who have been involved in the chat were the complains were and they have told me the problem. They were mainly complains about not getting into choruses and that we always choose the same people [which is not true imo].
They are not destructive on their own, but people make it more dramatic than it is. I am not sure of what is going on behind the stages and in every member's private chat. For some weird reason, these problems started involving people that were unrelated to YTChorus, and they were the ones who ended up complaining on me instead of the real complainers...
Those complainers would make the staff a huge favour if they actually speak up by themselves and tell us what is their problem... Because hiding behind others won't solve the problem..
I am sure there are many other talks and complains. Rin has been solving some of the problems, so I hope the next choruses won't have to deal with those problems again.
They are not destructive on their own, but people make it more dramatic than it is. I am not sure of what is going on behind the stages and in every member's private chat. For some weird reason, these problems started involving people that were unrelated to YTChorus, and they were the ones who ended up complaining on me instead of the real complainers...
Those complainers would make the staff a huge favour if they actually speak up by themselves and tell us what is their problem... Because hiding behind others won't solve the problem..
I am sure there are many other talks and complains. Rin has been solving some of the problems, so I hope the next choruses won't have to deal with those problems again.
Guest- Guest
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
The forum has the option of posting as a guest. =/ People can just post using an alias or something, so I don't see the need to try to make it anonymous as long as they don't use the same name they use here in the forum.
Luna Amatista- Conversationalist
- Posts : 252
Join date : 2010-03-25
Age : 31
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
That just means that they weren't good enough to make it into the chorus. The same people, are the BEST candidates for the chorus and deserve the position. You realize that they're just being a little bit self-centered and only want themselves in the chorus? The reason why you pick the same people is not only mere coincidence, but a show of how well they can sing.Noki wrote: They were mainly complains about not getting into choruses and that we always choose the same people [which is not true imo].
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
I agree with Ka~ya, in a way. xDDD I think the Complaints forum should maybe given a more positive title, like 'Improvements' or 'Suggestions' or something like that. 'Complaints' sounds a bit negative, when really (in my opinion) the YTC forums should be a positive place to be, so giving this subforum a more positive name to have people think of this as a way to improve YTC rather than just rant and flame might make people who have problems feel more comfortable about talking about them? xD 'Cause right now, it DOES seem like anyone who posts here is just a whiner and deserves to be flamed. OAO;;
I dunno, that's just a thought. xD
I dunno, that's just a thought. xD
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
exactly what I was thinking. We could just log off and post as a guest - that way it keeps things anonymous.
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
I'll remind the both of you that many people do not know that you can actually do that. In fact, until just now i didn't know.
So maybe accentuate the possibility to do this in an "if-ever" rules sticky.
So maybe accentuate the possibility to do this in an "if-ever" rules sticky.
Guest- Guest
Re: Complaint about the Complaints forum: A suggestion.
FSH wrote:That just means that they weren't good enough to make it into the chorus. The same people, are the BEST candidates for the chorus and deserve the position. You realize that they're just being a little bit self-centered and only want themselves in the chorus? The reason why you pick the same people is not only mere coincidence, but a show of how well they can sing.Noki wrote: They were mainly complains about not getting into choruses and that we always choose the same people [which is not true imo].
Agreed. To begin with, as a judge, and I've been confronted about the "judging system" before on YTC chats, I pick based on 70% quality/originality, 15% voice compatibility with the song, 10% voice compatibility with the other singers to potentially be picked, 5% microphone quality (I do not include mixing as a judging point usually, since obviously I would not expect everyone to be the best mixers). And to be completely honest, most of the auditions that we receive sound like people did not put very much effort.
Don't expect to be picked if you one-shot a song and don't learn the lyrics properly, mess up timing, mess up notes too badly etc. It's an audition guys. Give it your best effort. NO one's asking you to be amazing at adlibs or harmonies, though obviously those are some things that add to the originality points. Just sing your best, and audition for songs you know you sing better (for example, if ballads aren't your strong point, then either use the audition as a reason to practice aka not expect to get in, or don't audition at all).
And if then you don't get into the chorus, then at least you KNOW you tried your best, and while it's sad, well, life is unfair. I've failed auditions myself before, and I personally don't audition for songs I know I won't do well in (unless I've already recorded it before) to save myself the pain. Because rejection is upsetting, no matter how much you secretly expected it. Everyone wants to be a winner, but we can't always get what we want, and as FSH said, the same people are usually the best candidates that always show their best effort in every audition they do. Rather than spite them, learn from them.
We always try to pick different singers, but time and time again, the pool of high quality auditions we can pick from is actually fairly small, and it's usually the same singers that time and time again shine like a ray of light in whatever song they choose to audition for.
I just wished everyone would put more effort into auditions than just taking it like a joyride and somehow expecting to get through with something that sounds like it was learnt in 3 minutes, because it also makes judging that little bit more enjoyable.
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